CLIENT NOTICES | For the latest client updates, including new Florida E-Verify obligations and client ERC claim information, please visit
01/22/2024 FLORIDA
E-VERIFY | Impacted Florida clients must certify that they use E-Verify by the end of January each year. Please click on this link for more information Florida E-Verify Certification Reminder
10/04/2024 ALL STATES
STATE AND MUNICIPALITY MINIMUM WAGE REQUIREMENTS | For updated minimum wage requirements, please visit Minimum Wage Requirements
08/19/2024 ALL STATES
ERC CLAIMS | For questions about new claims as well as information about claims that have already been filed with the IRS, please visit 08/2024 ERC Client FAQs
05/01/2024 NEW YORK CITY
KNOW YOUR RIGHTS AT WORK POSTER | As of 07/01/2024, NYC clients must provide NYC employees with a copy of the NYC – Know Your Rights at Work poster/handout. Please click on this link for more information. New York City Only - Know Your Rights at Work Poster Notice
04/23/2024 ALL STATES
UPDATED ERC DEADLINE | Assuming Congress does not alter the current deadline to file 2021 ERC claims, SPLI anticipates filing all remaining substantiated 2021 ERC claims in early April 2025. Please submit your supportive documentation before 03/21/2025. Please click on this link for more information. Updated ERC Deadline
01/17/2024 ALL STATES
ERC CLAIMS | We have answers for your ERC questions. Please click on this link for more information. ERC Client FAQs
01/08/2024 ILLINOIS
ILLINOIS PAID LEAVE FOR ALL WORKERS ACT | Illinois recently enacted a paid leave law that is effective as of 01/01/2024. Please click on this link for more information. IL PLAWA
COOK COUNTY PAID LEAVE ORDINANCE | Cook County recently enacted a paid leave ordinance that is effective as of 01/01/2024. Please click on this link for more information. IL -CC-CCPLO
CHICAGO PAID LEAVE AND PAID SICK AND SAFE LEAVE ORDINANCE | The City of Chicago recently enacted a paid leave ordinance that is effective as of 07/01/2024. Please click on this link for more information. IL -CHI-CPLPSSLO
01/03/2024 CALIFORNIA
HWHFA | California recently amended an employer’s paid sick leave obligations under the Healthy Workplaces, Healthy Families Act. Please click on this link for more information. CA HWHFA – 01.01.2024 Amendment
01/02/2024 FLORIDA
E-VERIFY | Impacted Florida clients must certify that they use E-Verify by the end of January each year. Please click on this link for more information. Florida E-Verify Certification Reminder
12/01/2023 ALL STATES
2023 CHRISTMAS AND 2024 NEW YEARS PAYROLL PROCESSING | To ensure accurate, timely payroll processing for the 2023-2024 holiday season, please review, complete, and return the Christmas and New Years Week Payroll Processing Notice. Please click on the following link for more information. 2023-2024 Christmas and New Years Holiday Payroll Processing Notice
11/03/2023 ALL STATES
2023 THANKSGIVING DAY PAYROLL PROCESSING | To ensure accurate, timely payroll processing for the week of Thanksgiving 2023, please review, complete, and return the Thanksgiving Holiday Payroll Processing Notice. Please click on the following link for more information. 2023 Thanksgiving Holiday Payroll Processing Notice
11/01/2023 ALL STATES
REVISED I-9 | The most recent edition of the Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification, is dated 08/01/2023. As of 11/01/2023, all clients MUST use this most recent edition. For a copy of the most recent edition, please click on the following link. Form I-9
07/01/2023 FLORIDA
E-VERIFY | Effective 07/01/2023, clients with employees performing work in Florida have new E-Verification and certification requirements. Please click on this link for more information . Florida E-Verify Written Understanding